I’m Maree, married to Gary and we have nine wonderful children. We live in Lower Hutt where I am able to organically grow many of the herbs I use in my practice.I was born in Dunedin and am thankful now for all the gardening knowledge Dad passed on on to me as he tended all the vegetables we ate for many years.
I am passionate about helping people take control of their own health through learning about nutrition, herbs, exercise and lifestyle. Many people due to busy lives are left feeling stressed and run down and there are a lot of herbs that may be used to restore health.
As your average Kiwi I ate lots of white bread, jam and sweet baking. I didn't really spare herbs a thought except for parsley and a few common ones.
All that changed when I became a Christian at age 26 and started to realise God wanted to bless every area of my life. Although I have experienced miraculous physical healing of my body, God doesn't always do that. When I came across verses in the Bible about herbs ( eg. Gen 1:29, Heb 6:7) I began to realise there was a lot more to herbs than I had realised. Herbs seemed to be another piece in God’s good health jigsaw - in addition to good nutrition, water, exercise and lifestyle.
As I look back now I can see that He has prepared me to be a medical herbalist in many ways.
I am continually amazed at the way God has given us the exact remedies we need in the herbs themselves and the way we can use them, e.g., the use of Dandelion as a diuretic. With many orthodox diuretics (drugs that increase the flow of urine), a potassium supplement is needed to compensate for the loss of potassium whereas in using Dandelion the leaves naturally have a high content of potassium which means a supplement is not needed. Herbs can be used successfully on their own or in conjunction with other medical treatment.
Check out some of Maree"s recent articles on topical, seasonal, and important matters
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